1. Create workspace

Create a new folder called transactional inside of where you keep workspace packages (generally ./packages/*).

Include a new package.json and do not forget to add this to the workspaces of your monorepo’s package.json.

React Email + Turborepo + bun example

See the full source code

2. Install dependencies

Install React Email to the transactional workspace.

bun add react-email @react-email/components -E

3. Add scripts

Include the following script in your package.json file.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "email dev"
  // ...

4. Write your emails

Create a new folder called emails, create a file inside called MyEmail.tsx and add the following example code:

import { Button, Html } from "@react-email/components";
import * as React from "react";

export const MyEmail = () => {
  return (
        style={{ background: "#000", color: "#fff", padding: "12px 20px" }}
        Click me

export default MyEmail;

5. Run preview server

Start the email previews development server:

bun dev

6. See changes live

Visit localhost:3000 and edit the emails/MyEmail.tsx file to see the changes.

7. Try it yourself

React Email + Turborepo + bun example

See the full source code